If you want to be successful as a business, then you absolutely need to network with other companies within your industry. Networking is a great opportunity to expand your brand, meet new people, and reach out to potential customers as well. The types of people that you will find at trade shows and business conventions are obviously other businesses, where trading services or products is always a possibility. You’d be surprised how well trading can work out in your favor when you are trying to secure things for your own business.
The following are 3 key networking opportunities to consider when attending industry tradeshows, business conferences or business conventions.
#1 – Find Businesses to Barter Products and Services
Does your company need a website? Do you need online marketing services? Would you like to get some promotional items to advertise your business? These are just a few examples of the business services for which you may wish to trade or barter. It really doesn’t matter what type of product or service you sell, anything that your business has to offer could potentially benefit another and this can be bartered. It’s very likely that trading some of the products and services that you already provide as a business would be quite affordable for you. Bartering is a great affordable way to get things that your business needs.
#2 – Expand Your Brand and Meet Potential Customers
There are mostly businesses contacts attending a tradeshow or business convention. These people are still potential customers regardless of what it is that you offer. Every product and service can be sold to another, so even if you’re not in the business-to-business industry, there’s still an opportunity to meet many prospects. The business expo and tradeshow environment is an excellent way to promote your brand, so be sure to bring plenty of business cards and brochures to share, and a notebook to secure detailed information for fast follow-up. Turning prospects into buyers is what success it’s all about.
#3 – Find Business Affiliates and Potential Re-seller Relationships
All exhibitors presenting at a trade show are going to be interested in selling things to make money. If your business offers an affiliate or re-seller opportunity, this is the perfect environment to promote your product and service offerings. Giving people a commission for a buying referral or for directly selling things for you is a “no brainer”. Offering commissions on high quality products and services motivates others to promote and share this value with their own contacts. Finding your own affiliates and potential reseller relationships to expand your own value offerings makes sense too.
Please share any personal stories or experiences you’ve had successfully networking at a trade show or business convention. We love to hear from our readers and we too are eager to promote and share in win-win business opportunities.