The effectiveness of any tradeshow starts with planning … plan early and often. Your tradeshow display booth and promotional materials are a key ingredient in your success. You can only make one first impression … so we advise making it a good one. There is so much information available on how to best manage and benefit from the tradeshow industry so take the time to utilize it.
To avoid timing stresses in your tradeshow preparations, always start your planning process early. We suggest a planning outline be started immediately after you attended a trade show, or one year in advance if it’s your first show. To eliminate stress and optimize pricing, we suggest you start committed purchasing 90 days or more in advance of the show.
Before purchasing a tradeshow booth or display make sure you contact the trade show supplier by phone. Personalized customer care and timely service is critical in stress elimination.
BEWARE of the super low-cost offerings online as many of these products are offered by mere order-takers. Be sure you reach your supplier by phone before committing to a purchase, because if things don’t go as planned you don’t want to be left scrambling alone.
Artwork submission, proofing and approval, production time and coordinating shipping all make this a time sensitive process. Lack of timely planning will create pressure and stress on you and your staff. Rushed planning is a common part of this industry and it’s typically the cause of most problems – so be sure and plan well in advance. Rush orders is a common issue in this industry and you always PAY for the rush, be it stress and in hard earned dollars.
Timely and easy communication is key to a successful stress-free trade show experience. So plan extra early and order 90 days before your show to insure product inventory is available and preparation time is sufficient.
Call 239-433-9738 to reach one of our an experts in the tradeshow industry. Someone who can help you make the best decisions on your tradeshow promotion. It is our goal to help make your tradeshow marketing a success.